Thursday, May 24, 2007

3-D Nail Art?

There was an article in The Tennessean (our newspaper) today about manicures and I just had to express my personal distaste for the new 3-D nail art technique. It looks disgusting. I was so appalled when I saw the picture I couldn't help but read the entire article.

I also wanted to tell the world about my official last day of school, which was today. It was short and boring, just like they are every year. The only cool part is now I can say I'm a senior. Some friends and I went to the park after our exam to celebrate. We played the Ha Ha Game. If you don't know what that is, here's a photo...

and here's another one.
The way the game works is everyone puts their head on another person's stomach and you go in a circle saying 'Ha.' The first person starts with just one 'Ha' and the second says 'Ha Ha' and the third 'Ha Ha Ha' and so on. The goal is to go around the circle as many times as the group can without anybody laughing. When you laugh you lose. It's a sort of lame game, but lots of fun.

I'm the one in the striped shirt. I'm laying on Robin's stomach, who's laying on Elaine, who's laying on Megan. Brandon took the first photo.

I also wanted to brag about having the coolest teacher ever. She bought all her students books as a end of the year gift with the extra class fees she took up last fall. I thought it was sweet. Thanks Mrs. Sniderman!

  • A Short Guide to a Happy Life by Anna Quindlen
  • How Reading Changed My Life by Anna Quindlen
  • The Aeneid by Virgil
  • The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

One last thing. I'm totally pumped about going to the premier of the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, At World's End. Only two and a half more hours till show time.

Wow. I don't think I've ever talked about so many different topics all in one post. Normally I just focus on one single thing. Wierd.

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