Saturday, January 13, 2007

BLUE LIKE JAZZ by Donald Miller

This is the first 'Christian' memoir I've read. I tend to avoid books with churchy themes. I enjoy reading and don't want to be preached at. Unsurprisingly, I was hesitant to start reading Blue Like Jazz. I was afraid of being yelled at by a book. Why would I, a person who loathes lectures and whose memoir collection consists of Augusten Burroghs and David Sedaris, ever buy a book like Blue Like Jazz in the first place? Donald Miller spoke at the National Lutheran Youth Gathering in San Antonio last summer, which I had the pleasure of attending. He's quite the public speaker. Very inspirational. So inspirational, in fact, he motivated to go out and buy his book. I finally got around to reading it and now I wish I would have finished it ages ago. Blue Like Jazz is not preachy or condescending, just very loving. Miller is funny and honest (a match made in heaven). Even though Miller and I were on the same page when it came to Christian beliefs, Blue Like Jazz is nothing short of life changing. I probably won't act any different than I did before reading Blue Like Jazz, but it changed the way I think; it enhanced my love for other people.

See more reviews or buy Blue Like Jazz at Amazon.

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