Monday, January 1, 2007

New Year Resolutions

  1. Read 45 books: I read 37 books last year, and I really wasn't pushing that hard to get most of them finished, so I don't think 45 is an impossible goal. I may have to dedicate a little more time to reading, but I don't think I'll have any problem motivating myself to do that.
  2. Keep up in class: I have a habit of getting behind in books we read for school. I almost never choose not to read or finish. I usually get it done, but I'm never on the right page for class discussions.
  3. Never miss a Secret Readers meeting: Secret Readers is what we call our book club. I can't remember why, but we that's what we named it. I've only missed one meeting (I think), but I don't want that to happen again. If there's a scheduling conflict for one of the meetings there's not much I can do about that. I'll just have to read the book anyways. Most of the group is graduating this spring, so there probably won't be a Secret Readers after the summer. I want to savor it while I can.
  4. Read some classics: I don't read enough of those. When I do, it's normally for school. A lot of books written today borrow lots of stuff from classic novels. I want to know when I read something like that and get to know the books that inspired so many modern day authors and their stories.

  5. Paperbacks only: Had anyone else noticed how much money books are? The majority of my money is spent on books and food. I need to train myself to wait on that paperback to come out. Hardcovers are usually a good five dollars more expensive. What I should do is buy all my books online. That's how you can really save money because you buy never been read books used, which is usually a very good deal.

What I want to read in 2007
  • Harry Potter 3, 4, and 5: I read the first, second, and sixth books in 2006. I want to finish rereading the rest of the series this year.
  • Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller: I heard Donald Miller speak at the National Lutheran Youth Gathering this summer. I was really impressed. He's funny, smart, and writes books too.
  • The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud: I bought this book ages ago and haven't got around to it. I need to finish it before I jump into any of the books I got for Christmas.
  • Some Les Miserables by Victor Hugo: There's no way I could read this whole book straight through. It's just too massive. I think I'm going to divide it up into smaller chunks and just take my time with it.
  • At least one Jane Austen book: I've started a couple of them trying to decide which I'd like to read the most. I need to finish one.
  • At least one Lewis Carroll book: Hunting of the Snark was hilarious, but short. I need to read a longer story.
  • The Hobbit by J.R. Tolkein: I read The Fellowship of the Ring in seventh grade. I liked it, but didn't really enjoy it as much as I think I would have it if the book wasn't required to be read for school. I'm not about to pick it up for a reread, but I'd like to read some more J.R. Tolkein. The Hobbit is the most attractive at the moment.
  • I also want to read all the books I got for Christmas before 2008.

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