Monday, May 21, 2007

Mini Wheats Inspire Post

Reading the backs of cerial boxes has always been my favorite pastime. Yesterday, while stuffing my face with Frosted Mini-Wheats, I discovered what is probably the best back to a cerial box ever! (What makes a good cerial box back? Trivia. Riddles. Eliptical Illusions. Anything that makes your brain work. One of my favorite cerial box backs when I was little was the one on the Apple Jacks with all these mind games-- the classic "do you see a wine glass or two faces?" sort of stuff.) Well, the Frosted Mini-Wheats didn't have any Eliptical Illusions, but it did have fun vocabulary tidbits. They reminded me of my 'Utterances.' Here're the questions...

  1. To savor something is to a) dislike it b) add salt to it c) relish it d) try it once
  2. How would you feel about something salubrious? a) confused, it's confusing b) worried, it's harmful c) amused, it's funny d) good, it's good for you.
  3. Which of the following would you whet? a) a field of grain b) a calf c) an appitite d) everyone, with a big water pistol

The answers were

  1. c
  2. d
  3. c

and, yes, I did get them all right. =)

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