Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I'm going to take a moment and define my labels.

Book Reviews include a brief summery of a book along with my personal opinion on whether or not the book was worth my time reading. Occasionally I'll include excerpts from the book when I can't quite capture the tone of the novel in my own words. I also usually will link to other reviews or a place to purchase the book (almost always amazon.com).

Diary posts are all about my personal life: my vacations, college visits, or stories. More than likely, a diary entree will come complete with photographs.

The Excerpts and Quotes label is pretty self explanatory. This is a place I can share my favorite lines from books, songs, poetry, movies and other art involving words.

Film Reviews are still a little unclear to me. I've only done one, so it's hard to define. I'm guessing it's exactly like the book reviews, except movies instead of literature.

Lists are pretty broad posts. Normally I do something book related, but I'm not limited to do so. Lists can be as simple as what I bought today at the book store or as elaborate as multiple book reviews about novels in a similar genre.

Podcast Reviews will be a synopsis of what typically happens on show, who the show is geared towards, and some fast facts, such as how long an average episode is, video/audio, or if the podcast is discussion based or interview based. I also usually will share my opinions about how enjoyable the podcast as a whole is.

Utterances are a way of sharing with the world advances in my vocabulary. Whenever I learn a cool new word I post. I call these entrees 'Utterances' because dictionary.com defines an utterance as "something uttered; a word or words uttered." I learn these words I'm posting about through real world context. Utterances have been, in fact, uttered in my presence.

Wrinkled Thought posts are very similar to diary posts, except these posts usually do not elaborate on my personal life. YouTube videos, news, book related school assignments, or just funny things I've picked up on are all fair game when it comes to these posts. I also usually include blog related announcements in this label, such as the post you are reading right now.

I'm glad I did this. I'm sure as time goes on this list will expand, but, for now, at least we're all clear on what to expect when you see something is stamped with any of the above labels.

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