Friday, July 6, 2007

Stephen King Mourns the End of HP

"When it comes to Harry, part of me — a fairly large part, actually — can hardly bear to say goodbye."

You and me both Stephen King! Entertainment Weekly published this very sad/funny/uplifting article written by Stephen King about his feelings about the end of the beloved Harry Potter series approaching so soon.

"No ending can be right, because it shouldn't be over at all."

Even though King is dissappointed Harry's story won't be able to continue on forever, he manages to wrap up his column reminding fans that there will always be other great stories.

"But there's comfort. There are always more good stories, and now and then there are great stories. They come along if you wait for them. And here's something I believe in my heart: No story can be great without closure. There must be closure, because it's the human condition. And since that's how it is, I'll be in line with my money in my hand on July 21. And, I must admit, sorrow in my heart."

1 comment:

Brandon Jackson said...

haha i thought it was the end of hp as in the end of hewlett packard. wow ima nerd. ps i just redesigned my business site!!