Friday, March 30, 2007

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Part I: Initial Reactions)

I can't believe this day has come. Finally. I have come to choose only one... A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is my number one favorite book ever!!!! It's official. I've found it. I've never really had a favorite book before, because I can never decide which I like best. In other words, this is big for me. 'How much did I love it?' you ask. I loved it this much...

A typical page in my personal copy of the book.

Yeah, you know a book's good when you write in it this much... or maybe it's just really difficult. I suppose A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man was both.

I plan on doing at least one more post about the book. A review for sure. Maybe some favorite quotes as well. I guess we'll see how much free time I'll have the next couple days.

I suggest you order it from immediately.

Sorry to sidetrack, but the quote of the moment (from Catcher in the Rye) has been up the majority of March. My apologies. I've been meaning to change it. I really love that quote.

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