Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Ultimate Deathly Hallows Prediction Exam

This is a really cool quiz I found on Leakynews, my favorite Harry Potter fan site. (I know, I'm a total dork). It's called The Ultimate Deathly Hallows Prediction Exam. This is a collection of hundreds of questions about every last detail of book 7. How do I answer questions about a book I've never read? Well, that's the whole point. You're responses show exactly what you think is going to go down in the final installment of the Harry Potter series. The cool part about all this is that, once the book comes out, the exam is going to be graded so you can see how close you actually were. It's proof you knew Harry was a Horcrux or Luna was Ravenclaw's decedent before you even read the book. It's a really long quiz, but you don't have to answer all the questions. I had a lot of fun filling it out. If you're not to interested in making your own predictions, but you want to check out what my take on Deathly Hallow is, click here. *Warning* I wouldn't recommend this quiz for those who haven't read all the books (I'm referring to the movie fans). This exam mentions major plot points, including deaths, that occurred throughout the first six books. Nobody wants to be spoiled.

Expect a lot of Harry Potter posts the next month or so. With the last book coming out this July, I'm doing my best to soak up all the HP I can get. I'm planning on rereading the series the week leading up to the release date (July 21) and I was thinking about posting a little something to go along with each book. Maybe some favorite moments or something. I don't know; we'll see.

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