Sunday, August 19, 2007


I think the author sums it up best:

"If Twilight is about finding true love and New Moon is about loosing true love, then Eclipse is about choosing true love." Stephenie Meyer

Even with both Edward and Jacob defending her, Bella can't keep out of trouble. She once again is threatened by a vendetta yet to be filled. While police search for possibly the most dangerous mass murderer in history, the Cullen's (plus Bella) know that there's nothing human behind these attacks. As the book progresses, the mystery in Seattle is revealed to have little to do with a vampire's empty stomach and a lot to do with Bella and Edward. Despite the danger, time ticks on and Bella's graduation is getting nearer and nearer, along with the potential end of her human life. On top of the stress of final exams, college applications, graduation, and being slaughtered by evil vampires, Bella comes to realize she can't make her best friend Jacob, a werewolf, and her boyfriend Edward, a vampire, tolerate one another. It's time to choose between her human life with Jacob and her soon to be eternal life with the family she loves and desperately wants to be a part of.

This book is by far the funniest Stephenie Meyer novel yet. Edward and Jacob grudgingly work together for the first time, creating a comedic tension like nothing we've seen before. Edward's ability to read minds combined with Jacob's sense of humor and jealousy provides for some very fun scenes. It's really great having both the characters together. Before, when I wanted to read Jacob, I'd pick up New Moon and when I wanted read Edward, I'd read Twilight. Now I can have the best of both worlds in one book.

At 640 pages, Eclipse is the longest book yet in the series. Even though it's big, I still managed to finish it in a little over a day. Eclipse (along with it's prequels) demands to be read. It's almost a physical thing; the book swallows you and before you know it you're on page 419. It doesn't feel like a long book, so it's a real gift when you realize you're half way through and you still have a delicious 300+ pages left.

So, in case you didn't catch the hint, I think you should read Eclipse (and Twilight and New Moon). The books are nothing short of pure pleasure. Go buy them all right now; you deserve it. =)


I'd like to take this moment and brag about my meeting Stephenie Meyer last november at a book signing. I was lucky enough to get both Twilight and New Moon signed. I'd love to get Eclipse (along with Midnight Sun and Breaking Dawn, which haven't been published yet) signed too so I could have the entire set.

If you're already a Twilight fan, there's some really cool stuff on Stephenie's website. There are playlists that go along with each book and deleted chapters and scenes and glimpses at her to be published work (my favorite part).


This was my 100th post on Wrinkled Thought. Whoot!

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