Friday, November 30, 2007

November Poll

That last one said "Write? You mean like homework?" It's nice to know my readers are smart cookies.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Confessions of a Slacker

I'm supposed to be finished with Crime and Punishment by tomorrow, but I'm not even half way through. I've been behind for a while now. It's funny, there are people who haven't even started the book and are doing better than me on quizzes. They read cliff notes. If I were smart, I'd read them too, but I didn't want to spoil the book for myself. I want to experience Crime and Punishment the way Dostoevsky intended. Unfortunately reading the actual book, though more rewarding, takes a lot more of my time. Time I don't have. Every time I'm assigned a book for school and I fall behind I vow to never again slack off and to, in the future, do whatever it takes to stay on top of my assignments. Hopefully forcing myself to read the cliff-notes version of such a good book is enough punishment for me to have learned my lesson. College is going to be difficult.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

Happy Thanksgiving. I know it was yesterday, but better late than never.

You couldn't pay me to go shopping on Black Friday. Seriously. People are nuts. Hopefully I won't need to buy anything like clothes or electronics until after the holidays. As for Christmas gifts, I plan on purchasing those online. Sometimes I think it would be interesting to go people watching on Black Friday, but not shopping. Shopping's suicidal.

I got a job. My first job, to be exact. I'm working at the Jet's Pizza in my neighboorhood. As of today, I've only worked once. I love it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Johnny Depp. Helena Bonham Carter. Alan Rickman. Directed by TIM BURTON. I'll be first in line come December 21st. This is going to be incredable.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Wikipedia had surprisingly elaborate definition of Senioritus:

"Senioritis is a colloquial term used in the United States and Canada to describe the decreased motivation toward studies displayed by students who are nearing the end of their high school careers. By definition, Senioritis is not due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition such as hypothyroidism or insomnia but is typically said to include: slowness, procrastination, apathy regarding school work, a feeling of entitlement or privilege and a tendency toward truancy, malingering or feigning illness in order to avoid presence in a school setting, cognitive impairments, and changes in sleep patterns. Many high school students find themselves in a type of lame duck situation: their plans are made and a new chapter in their life is about to begin, so finishing the current chapter (the current term separating them from graduation) becomes just a formality or "holding pattern." Even though high school seniors tend to be the bulk of the victims, high school juniors and sophomores are also known to have it."
I'm pretty sure I was diagnosed with Senoiritus about half way through my freshman year. No joke. I guess school's not that bad, but I've been looking forward to graduation for a long time now. High school's frustrating. But that's not really why I'm writing this post. My motivation came more from the realization that I'll be graduating in half a year. I suppose I've always known high school would be over, but I feel like it's really snuck up on me.

My Senior Project presentation was after school Tuesday. I passed. It's done, all over, terminated, ended, compassed, completed, whatever; it's out of my life and I never have to think about it again. Why's a four to six minute presentation about your education, community service, and career plans such a big deal? Senior Project is one of few graduation requirements. Currently, I'm good to go minus credit in Economics, which I take next semester. I also need to finish out English and Government, but that's it.

On a more sentimental note, my last marching band competition was last weekend in Indianapolis. Unexpectedly, Page made semifinals. We left Wednesday after practicing two hours. Thursday we rehearsed all day, and Friday we performed for prelims at 4:30. Semifinals was the Saturday. I got home at about 4:30 this morning with a cold. It was a very emotional weekend. I, along with the other seniors, was consistently on the edge of tears. We cried a lot. I'm still suffering from the grief of it all being over. We're a really close group and I know I'll never be a part of anything quite like that ever again. I haven't graduated yet, but it sure feels like it.

Our band has this habit of writing something motivational on themselves before performances. Typically, I don't enjoy sharpie-ing all over my arm, but this performance was different.

Page High Marching Patriots
Class of 2008:

I love you guys.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Another lame diary post:

I got my first two acceptance letters. The first was from MTSU and the other from WKU. I guess I should be excited. I'm still waiting to hear back from UTK and ETSU. What I'm really curious about, though, isn't acceptance. I want to know how much scholarship money all these schools are willing to give me.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Driving is sort of Scary

It's kind of pathetic when my first November post is being made a whole week after the month started. What's even more pathetic is that this post will be a whopping 4.5 lines long (aside from this nifty little intro) and will be labeled diary. Oh well. I'm over it.

I got my driver's license yesterday. Being seventeen, I'm a little late. Over a year late actually, but looking back, I'm really glad I put it off for so long. Driving is sort of scary. I'm glad I have the freedom and stuff, but seriously, driving is sort of scary.