Thursday, April 12, 2007

College Visit I: APSU

Yesterday, I went on a college visit to Austin Peay State University in Clarksville TN. Mom and I started off by eating in the cafeteria, where we passed an Asian guy break dancing. It was amazing. After eating we wandered towards the music/mass communications building. Upon entering I hear the band practicing Shepherd's Hey by Percy Grainger, one of my favorite pieces ever. Later on I heard them playing some other songs we're working on at PHS, which was odd. A little too coincidental. We peeked into the concert hall and there was this older guy on stage moving props around. I told him I was here for a tour and trying to kill time while I waited for it to begin. He asked me if I wanted to be a music major and what I played. I told him I might be majoring in clarinet performance. He goes on to tell me that there was a clarinet choir concert there tonight at 7:30. Can you get anymore perfect than that? I've always wanted to see a clarinet choir perform, but how cool is it that I get to experience it at (possibly) my future school. Mom and I trekked back across campus to to the starting point of our tour, which ended up being predictable, inevitably informative, and completely worthwhile. Afterwords, we wandered around campus a little bit more and then we went to Wendy's for dinner before returning back to the concert hall for the clarinet choir concert. It was great. I loved it. The rest of APSU was very nice too. It was a good day.

APSU Symphony Orchestra
(I stole both pictures from the APSU website )

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